
PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Province's tax revenues will reach Rp. 13.2 trillion in 2021 or a growth of 20.60 percent compared to the previous year.

The Head of Registration, Extensification and Assessment of the Regional Offices of the Directorate General of Taxes for the Provinces of South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Province, Ranto Napitupulu, said the achievement from 1.8 million taxpayers (WP) exceeded the target of 105.19 percent.

“All types of taxes grew significantly, starting with income tax (PPh), value added tax (VAT). Only land and building taxes grew by only 4.0 percent," he said in Palembang, as reported by Antara, Saturday, January 29.

Based on the achievements as of December 31, 2021, income tax revenues (PPh) reached Rp. 6.1 trillion or realized 93.52 percent of the target of Rp. 6.5 trillion (growing 12.98 percent), PPN and PPnBM collected Rp. 5.3 trillion or reached 114. 13 percent of the Rp4.7 trillion target (grow 35.09 percent).

Then, revenues from PBB and BPHTB reached Rp. 1.5 trillion or realized 134.08 percent of the target of Rp. 1.13 trillion (growing 4.69 percent), DTP taxes reached Rp. 67.7 billion or realized 100 percent of the target (growing 74.53). percent) and other taxes reached Rp. 205 billion or realized 83.49 percent of the target of Rp. 245 billion (growing 57.48 percent).

Based on this realization, it can be seen that tax revenue in South Sumatra is dominated by two sectors, namely PPh with a contribution of 46.07 percent and PPN and PPnBM with a contribution of 40.42 percent.

The tax revenue was obtained from nine Tax Service Offices (KPP) Pratama and one KPP Madya spread across South Sumatra.

Of the total 10 service offices, only KPP Pratama Prabumulih experienced a minus growth of -6.43 percent, while other service offices in South Sumatra achieved growth ranging from 11.47 percent to 33.40 percent. The highest performance achievement was achieved by the Middle Tax Service Office. Palembang which was able to collect IDR 5.4 trillion, followed by KPP Ilir Timur IDR 1.4 trillion and KPP Sekayu IDR 1.1 trillion.

According to him, this increase in tax revenue cannot be separated from the improvement in the South Sumatran economy after being affected by COVID-19.

In addition, the revival of the mining sector due to price increases since 2020 will also affect state revenues from the tax sector in 2021.

This is also the reason for South Sumatra's tax revenue being able to grow above the national average of 19.30 percent.

There are seven sectors that dominate tax revenue in South Sumatra, namely wholesale and retail trade of Rp. 3.3 trillion, mining and quarrying of Rp. 2.2 trillion, processing industry of Rp. 1.7 trillion, government administration of Rp. 1.2 trillion, agriculture, forestry and fisheries of Rp. 1.1 trillion, construction Rp763 billion, financial services and insurance Rp692 billion and other sectors Rp3.5 trillion.

The highest growth occurred in three sectors, namely the manufacturing industry (77.04 percent), agriculture, forestry and fisheries (51.37 percent), and wholesale and retail trade (26 percent).

Meanwhile, referring to South Sumatra BPS data until the third quarter of 2021, it is stated that the mining and quarrying sector scored the highest growth of 13.58 percent, followed by financial services and insurance and agriculture, forestry and fisheries 6.43 percent.

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