
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that a safe running method for the 50s is different from running at a young age. This is done because it considers the physical strength of the elderly which decreases due to age. By practicing a safe way, health benefits can be obtained.

As is known, at the age of 50 physical strengths will be much reduced compared to when you are 20 or 30 years old. Therefore, runners aged 50 years must be aware that there is a risk that is prone to occur if not done properly. Possible risks that may occur, such as muscle injuries, joint injuries, to getting tired more easily.

The many risks of running that may be experienced by elderly runners can be reduced as long as they carry out these activities properly. Here's how to run for the elderly.

The strength and flexibility of the muscles in the elderly will definitely be different from that of young people. Therefore, before running, it is highly recommended to stretch and warm up. Both are done one hour before running or thirty minutes before. The types of stretching and warming that can be done must also be done carefully so as not to injure the muscles.

During exercise, runners aged 50 years must also keep their bodies hydrated. Because the body will lose a lot of electrolytes while doing this sport. It is recommended to bring drinking bottles, especially during hot weather.

Costumes and footwear are very important to pay attention to. Avoid wearing clothes that are too hot and too closed. You also have to pay attention to shoes.

Choosing shoewear is very important to do, especially for runners who are not young anymore. Choose running shoes by considering the shape and function of the shoes themselves. Running shoes will help sports activities stay comfortable and the risk of joint injury will be much reduced.

It is recommended to choose a safe route such as running around the field or housing complex. In addition, choose a track that is not too high and decreases to avoid joint injuries. You can run in a city park or a flat place.

Try to run at a speed that is adjusted to your abilities. No need to force yourself because it is actually dangerous for yourself. Don't be easily motivated by your running partner because everyone's strengths and conditions are different.

After warming up, don't run fast. Start by taking a leisurely walk first with a short duration. Or you can apply the 1:7 duration ratio, which is 1 minute running 7 minutes of leisurely walking.

When running, lean slightly towards the front. While the position of the hand holds. The head must also be upright while watching the road. Avoid dragging your feet because it will get you tucked away.

Running exercise at the age of 50 will make the breath run out easily and breathless. Therefore, the breathing technique must be right by breathing through the nose and then exhaling it through the mouth. This is done so that stomach muscle cramps do not occur.

Don't underestimate the cooling. You can do some light movement as a cooling body. Do not immediately take a sitting position let alone fall asleep.

That's information regarding how to run which is safe for the 50s. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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