
JAKARTA - Argentine national team star Lionel Messi has been paid a fantastic amount for one pose in a photo shoot. As Saudi Arabia's tourism ambassador, Messi could even earn billions of rupiah for one promotional event for the country.

In his work contract as Saudi Arabia's tourism ambassador, this 35-year-old footballer is tasked with attracting the world community to visit the Middle Eastern country. One of them is through recent vacation photos.

Utilizing his personal Instagram account, Messi shared a relaxing moment in the Red Sea as a campaign for tourists to be interested in visiting Saudi Arabia.

In the photo, Messi looks relaxed at the end of the ship while facing the sun while enjoying the beauty of the Red Sea.

Quoted from the US, for one promotional photo pose, Messi was actually paid 1.8 million euros, equivalent to Rp29.5 billion. His upload while enjoying the atmosphere in the Red Sea was an early sign of cooperation with the Saudi Arabian government.

Messi agreed to sign a contract as Saudi Arabia's tourism ambassador with a duration of three years. The contract value he got was not kidding, La Pulga could pocket a total of 22.5 million euros or Rp369 billion from the agreement.

As a tourism ambassador, Messi is required to aggressively promote Saudi Arabia on his social media.

In addition, he also had to attend the Saudi Arabian tourism promotion event which was held annually, attending the charity activities held by the local government were also another task of the former Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) player.

Although Messi holds the status of Saudi Arabia's tourism ambassador, in fact he chose to continue his career in the United States after his contract with PSG expired.

La Pulga chose the MLS club, Inter Miami rather than playing in Saudi Arabia, this was chosen by the star in order to spend more time with his family.

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