
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Professional Sports Agency (BOPI) received an audition from PT Sriwijaya Optimis Mandiri as the management of Sriwijaya FC. The arrival of Sriwijaya FC Management is related to the unresolved contribution obligation since 2017, with a sum as of January 21, 2020 amounting to IDR 3,418,808,702 (IDR3.4 billion).

Deputy President Director of Sriwijaya FC, Hendri Zainudin explained, initially the total dependents of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) since 2017 were valued at IDR 4.6 billion. After submitting several requests for repayment per January 21, 2020, the remaining dependents amounted to Rp3.4 billion.

Hendri said, the last payment was made by PT LIB on January 21, 2020, valued at IDR 200 million.

Hendri hopes, BOPI can facilitate PT LIB's arrears problem. So far, Sriwjaya FC management feels that the payment is not as expected by the management.

"The discussion, both letters and directly, has been repeated many times. The allocation of funds to pay the players is not paid because PT LIB does not carry out its obligations. Sriwijaya asked BOPI to facilitate this problem of arrears. We see BOPI supports professional sports, so we are complaining," said Hendri. Jakarta, Thursday, February 13, according to a written statement received by the editorial desk.

Responding to complaints from Sriwijaya FC management, BOPI Chairman Richard Sam Bera said that his party would facilitate the matter. Richard asked management to provide detailed supporting data related to chronology and documents in arrears.

"BOPI must first know the details of this problem, so we need supporting data. When it is complete, we will help push (push) the solution by PT LIB," said Richard.

Richard emphasized that BOPI always strives to organize professional sports well. Including how the entire club and operator settle all coverage.

"We will help Sriwijaya FC by facilitating or mediating the settlement with PT LIB. But not only Sriwijaya FC, but also all. BOPI also helps all clubs, players and also operators (PT LIB), so that professional sports can advance, especially professional football, "concluded Richard.

Sriwijaya FC management agreed to immediately send detailed chronology and supporting data needed by BOPI.

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