
JAKARTA - Carrying a new status as Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Dito Ariotedjo was immediately faced with a myriad of tough tasks.

He must prepare a number of international sporting events, one of which is the 2023 World Beach Games.

The multi-event sporting event agenda for the beach is planned to be held in Bali on August 5-12. But recently there have also been concerns that this event will be canceled like the 2023 U-20 World Cup because there is an Israeli team in it.

Anticipating this possibility, the Minister of Youth and Sports said that he had prepared a way so that all sports agendas could run well in the future.

"In the future, there will be seven international events, one of which is that Indonesia will also host basketball and World Beach Games. There must be (preparations) that have started, of course we will automatically continue and we will also maximize its implementation," said Dito Ariotedjo.

"By looking at the experience (World Cup) of U-20, starting today I will start talking to all stakeholders. Hopefully we can determine common ground. Because we are young people, we all meet," he continued in an official statement after the inauguration on Monday, April 3.

The maximum effort will be sought to smooth Indonesia to host various world sports events. Because according to the Menpora, the participation of a country in sporting events is not easy but very meaningful.

Learning from the moment of cancellation of the 2023 U-20 World Cup due to mixed political and sporting situations, the Menpora will try to handle it as much as possible.

"I am in accordance with the discussion with the President that these two things must be separated (political and sporting issues). Indeed, the complexity is high, but we will try our best," he said.

Previously, a number of parties were also worried that the survival of the 2023 World Beach Games would experience a similar fate to the U-20 World Cup. Because so far it is known that there are Israeli athletes who have passed and will take part in the international event.

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