
YOGYAKARTA - You might call it a squatting movement or burpe but you can't possibly call it your favorite exercise. The truth is, squatting boosts are challenging. But that's what makes them so effective. Then how to practice squat thrust?

"Coachs love them. But people hate them," said Sarah Bright, certified personal trainer and group training instructor from the Midtown Athletic Club in Chicago.

Bright said the burpees were the coach's first choice because, "they are effective, don't need equipment, and are easy to modify for different levels of fitness."

A man named Dr. Royal H. Burpee created the exercise as a fitness test for members of the military. "We are using it now to build strength and muscle resistance, as well as train people to work at higher heart rates (close to the lactate threshold)," explained Bright.

Exercise at this level not only burns more calories, but also increases excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) which causes you to keep burning more calories after you stop exercising, and keep doing so for a few hours.

In other words, the push to squat allows you to reap many benefits from cardio training and strength.

Because you don't need special equipment and skills, you can do squatting at home.

For basic burpees:

This may look simple, but after doing some of these moves in sequence, you'll see the challenges of the squatting boost that's done well.

When the basic burpe becomes easy, try this variety:

Add push-ups or jump

When you are in the board position, add a push-up before taking your feet forward to squat. When you stand up, add a jump, then squat down again for the next repetition.

Add dumbbell

Bright also suggested adding a light set of dumbbells in each hand to increase resistance. Get some here.

When you return to your initial position at the end of your burpee, lift it to an overhead press to train your arms and shoulders.

Bring away

Whether your main fitness goal is to lose weight or increase strength, squatting push and many of its challenging variations can help.

If the basic burpee is too challenging, you can even adjust it in the other direction. Bright suggests using stairs or platforms under your hands instead of going straight to the floor. This allows you to do traditional squatting moves without forcing yourself too hard at the start.

So after learning about the squat thrust exercise, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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