
JAKARTA Former Real Madrid player Antonio Cassano has attacked Cristiano Ronaldo again. He thinks CR7 is always the second of his rival Lionel Messi.

Cassano made this criticism in his latest upload on Instagram. He likened Ronaldo to Italian singer Toto Cotugno.

Cotugno is known as 'l'eterno secondo' or 'number two forever' after finishing second six times at the Sanremo Music Festival, the most popular Italian song contest, from 15 times the anticipation.

"Cristiano, listen to me. You are strong, you record many victories, phenomenal... but you are like Toto Cotugno, always number two," said Cassono.

The debate about who the best players of all time involved Messi and Ronaldo has not been resolved until now.

The comparative statistics of the two made each footballer's duo admirers insist on defending each other's opinions regarding who deserves the most.

Cassano himself tends to prefer to agree to place Messi as number one. Last year he once said Ronaldo was not even included in the top five best players in the world.

At that time, Cassano said there was only one Ronaldo, referring to Brazilian legend Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima. "There is only one Ronaldo and Messi better than him," said Cassano.

Despite Cassano's thoughts, CR7 managed to prove himself one of the best footballers of his generation. He successfully bagged five Ballon d'Or as well as dozens of trophies at the club and two major trophies in the Portugal national team.

Messi is also among the best at the moment in the middle of the debate. The player nicknamed La Pulga reached the peak of a brilliant career with Barcelona.

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