
JAKARTA - Players of the Jordanian and Lebanese basketball teams were involved in a riot where they were staying. This was acknowledged by the Chairman of the FIBA ​​Asia Cup 2022 Organizing Committee, Junas Miradiarsyah.

Junas revealed the chaos that occurred at the Fairmont Hotel, to be precise in the elevator on one of the floors where all the participating teams were staying, Sunday, July 24, at noon.

The FIBA ​​Asia Cup Organizing Committee immediately coordinated with the police to anticipate and deal with the incident. Security at the hotel where you stay was also added by police personnel.

"It's true that there was a riot involving the Jordanian and Lebanese teams. Although this happened outside the field, the security handler at the location as the LOC immediately took responsive and anticipatory steps by coordinating with the police to make conditions conducive. As the LOC, we also reported the incident to FIBA," said Junas.

The incident started with the Lebanese team returning to the hotel after training. Some of the players went straight to the dining room provided by the hotel, while the Lebanese players themselves took the elevator to their room.

On the way to the room, the elevator stops on the floor that requires Jordan's team. One of the Jordanian players pulled the player and a riot ensued.

The player concerned then told his partner who was eating on the ground floor. These players then go up to the floor where the partner finds the event unpleasant.

On the way to the floor, a number of Lebanese players then met with Jordan and there was a riot.

Previously, Jordan coach Wesam Al-Sous said the attack was one of the non-technical factors that disrupted their game when they lost to New Zealand in the match for the 2022 FIBA ​​Asia Cup third place.

In the match at Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, Jordan lost to New Zealand with a score of 75-83.

"I don't know what happened. I, the assistant, the fitness coach, got attacked by the Lebanese national team. I don't know the reason why it happened like that. Even one of them was holding a sharp weapon. I don't know his name," Wesam said in a press conference after the match against New Zealand.

Wesam on this occasion did not explain in detail the cause of the incident. However, he stressed that he would not prolong the events that occurred.

"I will not prolong the incident. We as Jordanians will not take any action and will see how far we tolerate this incident," he said.

"Regardless of any information and speculation out there, that's what happened. I'm a peaceful person and I'm just a professional who just wants to play basketball," Wesam said.

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