
JAKARTA - Cristiano Ronaldo has apologized to little Everton fan Jake, whose smartphone was slammed by the star's emotions. The apology was conveyed through the Manchester United player's Instagram account.

"It's never easy to deal with emotions in difficult times like the ones we are facing. We must always be patient and set an example for all audiences," Ronaldo said on his Instagram account.

"I want to apologize for my anger and if possible I would like to invite the fans to watch at Old Trafford as a form of fair play and sportsmanship," he said.

However, this apology was met with a cynical response from Jake's mother, Sarah Kelly. Instead, he criticized Cristiano Ronaldo for only apologizing via social media, not in person.

"The apology or lack of apologies (from him) is what makes me angrier," Sarah Kelly told The Telegraph.

"I thought, 'How rude - you tell everyone you apologized and you didn't'. OK, you've spread it on social media but... you have to apologize to my son," she continued.

Sarah added that Ronaldo had a few hours to think about it. The Portuguese player, continued Sarah, should also know more about our contact details.

"It's personal, saying he has spoken to us and released something. I would be happy with that," she said.

Regarding Cristiano Ronaldo's offer to invite Jake to come to Old Trafford, Sarah said it was impossible.

Sarah revealed that the offer had already been made to Jake. However, it was flatly rejected by the little Everton supporter.

"I asked him: 'Do you want to go? Ronaldo said we can go to United'. He said, 'No mam, I don't want to see him again'. It's disappointing because Ronaldo is one of the reasons he wants to go to United games," she said.

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