
MANDALIKA - The Mandalika MotoGP event was a success. The MotoGP race at the Mandalika Circuit took place without any problems, although it was delayed due to rain.

The Mandalika MotoGP race has also attracted worldwide attention. Not only because of the actions of the riders on the wet track, but also some unique moments that happened there.

One moment that caught the world's attention was the action of the rain handler at the Mandalika Circuit. As is known, the race had to be postponed due to heavy rains flushing the circuit.

A rain handler named Raden Roro Istiati Wulandari also intervened. By performing a ritual in the pitlane, the woman who is familiarly called Rara tried to stop the rain.

This action attracts the attention of the racers and entertains those who are waiting for the certainty of when the race will start. In fact, Fabio Quartararo even imitated Rara's action.

Another unique moment was a fan dancing happily in the stands while waiting for the race. His action caught Quartararo's attention because there was a banner depicting the French racer behind him.

Seeing the actions of his supporters, Quartararo couldn't help but smile.

Then there was an interesting and terrifying moment when it rained at the Mandalika Circuit. In a video uploaded by MotoGP on their official Twitter account, lightning strikes the track.

In fact, the lightning sparks!

Next was the moment where President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) gave trophies to the riders who climbed the Mandalika MotoGP podium. This is interesting because the number one person in Indonesia shows an extraordinary passion for the sport of MotoGP.

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