
JAKARTA - Hundreds of residents poured into the streets around the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout to watch the MotoGP racers parade, Wednesday, March 16. Starting from online motorcycle taxi drivers (ojol), the community, to office employees do not want to miss taking positions.

They welcomed the convoy of MotoGP racers who parade from the Presidential Palace to the Kempinski Hotel. This parade was carried out ahead of the Mandalika MotoGP race, March 18-20.

In the agenda of this parade, the MotoGP racers first visited the State Palace and talked with President Jokowi. After that, they also carried out a procession around the Medan Merdeka road to the HI roundabout.

This rare moment was well received by residents and MotoGP fans in Jakarta. This can be seen from the busy side of the road by the presence of residents who want to see the racers with their motorsports directly.

From VOI's observation in the field, the racers started leaving the State Palace at 10.15 WIB and then proceeded to make their way to the HI Roundabout. At around 10.50 WIB, dozens of racers entered the Thamrin road.

At this moment, residents from motorcycle taxi drivers to employees poured out onto the streets. Even before the racers passed, the people were already busy shouting the name of their idol.

"Marquez, let's win in Mandalika," shouted one of the residents present at the location.

The crowd that had been orderly on the shoulder of the road then began to spill into the middle of the road and made it difficult for the security forces to bring order. Residents also ran towards the source of the sound when the racers passed in front of the Pullman Hotel and turned to the HI Roundabout area.

From the information received, the actual route taken by the racers started from the State Palace, the HI Roundabout and then back to the State Palace, but during the implementation the racers went straight to the Kempinski Hotel.

In this convoy, there are a number of names of riders who are already familiar to MotoGP fans. They are Marc Marquez, Joan Mir, Alex Rins, Francesco Bagnaia, Jack Miller, Maverick Vinales, Alex Marquez, and Takaaki Nakagami.

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