
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) is trying to naturalize Sampdoria goalkeeper Emil Audero Mulyadi. This is a direct request from the coach of the Indonesian national team, Shin Tae-Yong.

As it turned out, Shin wanted Emil Audero Mulyadi to be naturalized in order to improve the quality of Indonesian football.

"Players with such good abilities will spread good football culture, especially for Indonesian goalkeepers," Shin said at the Bung Karno Intermediate Stadium, Jakarta, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 3.

He also did not deny, the quality of Emil Audero can also help the Indonesian national team excel in the international arena. Those two reasons made the South Korean tactician want Emil to be in the "Garuda" squad.

Shin also left everything to PSSI to take care of all matters related to Emil. He personally could not guarantee whether the player would accept this offer.

"I personally can't say whether he wants to be naturalized or not," said the man from South Korea.

PSSI is reportedly prioritizing Emil as the fourth or final player of Indonesian descent to be naturalized for the benefit of the national team. Talks with the player born in West Nusa Tenggara have also been carried out in Italy.

If Emil refuses to become an Indonesian citizen, PSSI has prepared FC Lucerne midfielder Jordy Whermann to fill the last slot. Previously, there were three names as defenders who were in the process of becoming Indonesian citizens, namely Jordi Amat, Sandy Walsh and Shayne Pattynama.

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