
JAKARTA - Two matches of the PLN Mobile Proliga 2022 professional volleyball competition which were supposed to take place today (Sunday, February 13), have been officially postponed. The reason is because a number of players have been exposed to COVID-19.

The two matches in question are the match between the women's team Jakarta Electric PLN against Gresik Petrokimia Pupuk Indonesia and the men's team Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax and Palembang Bank Sumsel Babel. The match, which was scheduled to take place at the Police General Kunarto Volleyball Padepokan, Sentul, Bogor, today had to be rescheduled.

Deputy Director of Proliga Reginald Nelwan said the two teams that submitted letters of postponement were PLN's Jakarta Electricity and Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax.

"We have received letters requesting the postponement from Jakarta Electric PLN and Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax," Reginald said in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 13.

Meanwhile, PLN Jakarta Electricity team official Bambang Sutanto admitted that more than 50 percent of his players were currently exposed to COVID-19, so they could not perform because more than 10 people were exposed.

"Initially, our team was ready to appear in the fifth series this week. In fact, Jakarta Electric PLN was already in Jakarta and ready to perform. The results of the PCR swab were exposed to more than 10 people," said Bambang.

Thus, only one match will be played on the last day of the fifth week, namely Bogor LavAni against Kudus Sukun Badak.

This is not the first time that Proliga 2022 matches have been postponed. Previously, on the first day of the second round, Friday, February 11, the match between Jakarta Pertamina Pertamax and Kudus Sukun Badak also suffered a similar fate due to indications of players being exposed to COVID-19.

As is known, teams whose players are exposed to COVID-19 more than 50 percent can be postponed. This means, if there are ten or more players in a team who are positive for the corona virus, it is allowed to apply for a postponement of the match.

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