
JAKARTA The Ethics Code Council of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has stated that BRIN researcher Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin has been proven to have violated the code of ethics of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Furthermore, Andi will undergo a trial to determine the fastest disciplinary punishment on May 9, 2023.

"Although the person concerned has regretted his actions, we are still processing according to the applicable regulations," said BRIN Head Laksana Tri Handoko in his official statement on April 26, 2023.

However, ASN must be a reflection. Being able to act according to the code of ethics and code of conduct of ASN, both in work and in daily life.

"We are committed to enforcing this in the BRIN environment. Every researcher is given academic freedom of opinion, but there is a code of ethics that must still be obeyed. Hopefully this will be a lesson for every ASN so that something similar does not happen again in the future by anyone and to anyone," said Tri.

In addition to ethical sanctions, Andi is also threatened with being entangled in Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE). The head of the Muhammadiyah Youth Center reported it to the police on April 25. Andi is suspected of having committed hate speech.

"I need to make it lawful for all Muhammadiyah blood? Moreover, Muhammadiyah was infiltrated by Hizbut Tahrir through the agenda of the global Islamic calendar from the Liberation Gema? Lots of bacot really!! Here I kill you one by one. Please report my comments with the threat of murder articles! I'm ready to be imprisoned. I'm tired of seeing your commotion," Andi said on Facebook.

The comments are considered to cause hatred or hostility towards certain individuals or groups based on SARA and/or scare aimed at personally.

Andi, according to a criminal law expert from Trisakti University, Abdul Fickar Hadjar, is threatened with violating Article 27 of the ITE Law, especially paragraphs 3 and paragraph 4.

Article 27 paragraph 3 prohibits anyone intentionally and without the right to distribute and/or transmit and/or make accessible Electronic Information and/or Electronic Documents that contain insults and/or defamation.

While Article 27 paragraph 4 prohibits anyone who intentionally and without rights distributes and/or transmits and/or makes accessible electronic information and/or electronic documents that have charges of extortion and/or threats. The threat of imprisonment is a maximum of 6 years.

The threat of murder is clearly threatened by the article. What AP said was a form of ignorance. The sign is that he does not understand democratic values, especially about freedom. It may be different as long as it does not violate the law," said Fickar in his statement on April 26, 2023.

If the legal process continues and Andi becomes a defendant, will Andi be dishonorably dismissed?

When contacted by VOI on April 27, 2023, BRIN Public Communication Coordinator Dyah Rachmawati Sugiyanto only answered briefly regarding that, "We'll wait for the next stage, bro."

An ethical examination has also been carried out on Thomas Djamaluddin. Even though he apologized, Thomas was threatened with going through the legal process after being reported to the police by a Muhammadiyah resident named Ehi on April 25.

The police report is related to Thomas' statement on his Facebook account, 'Sdh does not obey the government's decision, eh still asking to facilitate the ied prayer place. The government also provides facilities.'

However, according to Thomas, there was no mistake in the statement. That's based on the facts and news circulating in the media. Without any tendencies.

Muhammadiyah did not comply with the government's decision or did not participate in the government, by declaring Eid al-Fitr first. The government has no problem with it," Thomas wrote clarifying on his personal blog on April 26.

Regarding the statement "Ask for facilitation" referring to the statement of the Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah in media reports. On the page, General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir said the state must be present as a fair party and ihsan in view and providing facilities in the event of a difference in the time of Eid Al-Fitr 2023 in Indonesia.

Haedar stated this in response to the emergence of the rejection of Eid prayers in a number of public facilities on April 21, 2023.

"The state must be present... providing meaningful facilities asking for facilitation by the state / government. The government also provides facilities. Hopefully it is clear and there is no perception as if I were cornering Muhammadiyah," said Thomas.

Moreover, the comment also has nothing to do with AP Hasanuddin's statement. In a sense, the statement made by AP Hasanuddin was not provoked by his response, but by many other comments.

According to information from AP Hasanuddin, under my response there were many other comments. But some deleted it, so it seemed as if AP Hasanudin's comments were directly related to my response. If you pay attention, AP Hasanuddin did not respond to me, but responded to Ahmad Fauzan, " Thomas continued his clarification on April 27, 2023.

"I didn't know the previous discussion because the record had been deleted, including Ahmad Fauzan's comments that AP Hasanuddin responded to. There could be a hot discussion that eventually triggered the threat of AP Hasanuddin," added the professor of BRIN astronomy-astrophysics research.

As for the police report addressed by him, Thomas has no problem with it.

"It is the right of the reporter and I also have the right to explain everything," he told VOI on April 27, 2023.

In essence, there is no hatred or blasphemy against Muhammadiyah. After all, Muhammadiyah is an asset of the nation that has contributed greatly to the history of the nation's struggle.

Thomas said he was just a critical attitude towards the criteria for the hilal, which he considered astronomically obsolete. As well as the attitude of the organization's ego, which hinders dialogue towards common ground.

"I repeat every time there is a difference in holidays to remind that this difference should be resolved, not preserved," he said.

The difference in determining 1 Syawal in Indonesia has been going on for a long time. So according to the Chairman of the Harmony Division of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Yusnar Yusuf, it is no longer time to debate it.

As long as using two methods of reckoning and rukyat find common ground. The method alone is different, the criteria used to measure are different, the results are also different," he told VOI on April 27, 2023.

Muhammadiyah set the criteria for the hilal formulation to be less than 1 degree. Only 0.01 degrees appeared, Muhammadiyah had declared it a form of hilal.

Meanwhile, the minister of religion of a number of countries such as Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, set a height of 3 degrees because the strength of the moon's light below 3 degrees is still inferior to mega light (syafaq). The strong mega light makes Hilal, which is still below 3 degrees, difficult to observe.

"About 7 years ago, the benchmark was 2 degrees, then increased to 3 degrees. Another reason is because the difference in the time zone in Indonesia between the west, middle, and east reaches 1-2 hours. So conclusions are drawn to 3 degrees," said Yusnar.

"If BRIN researchers want to propose uniformity or look for a midpoint, go ahead. For example, Muhammadiyah is at 1 degree, then the government also lowers it, so that both are at the same degree, problem solving," he added.

But it's not easy. Without government interference, just enjoy the differences. After all, no state and religious laws have been violated.

Except, the government makes special rules through the Law or Perppu in determining 1 Syawal, 1 Ramadan, or Eid al-Adha.

"Like in Malaysia, the determination of Eid al-Fitr can only be decided by the government, not community organizations. So no one will go first or later, all have an impact. There is no need for an isbat session," explained Yusnar.

"If through the method we will not meet, it's just history and rukyat. If there is no common ground, yes, as Muslims, we must respect the differences that exist. Don't make this a debate or conflict," he added.

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