
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo conveyed the chronology of the case of Brigadier J's murder during a Hearing Meeting with members of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (24/8).

The National Police Chief briefly described the facts outside the trial, starting from the initial report by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on July 8, 2022 to the current condition.

Here's the description:

8 July 2022

Brother FS reported the incident of Brigadier J's death to the South Jakarta Metro Police and the Propam Division of the National Police Headquarters.

In the initial chronology, Brigadier J abused Putri Candrawati at the Duren Tiga Official House, causing Putri to scream for help. It was heard by Bharada E and then when he was reprimanded there was gunfire from Brigadier J. Then a gunfight ensued which resulted in Brigadier J's death.

“Then Brother FS contacted several people, one of whom was the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, who came first at 17.30 WIB and was contacted by the driver, Brother FS. Then at 17.47 WIB, Propam came to the scene and was contacted by FS," said the National Police Chief.

After completing the data collection and securing the evidence, at around 19:00 WIB the witnesses who were at the TKP at that time, Kuwat Ma'ruf, Brigadier RR, Bharada E were taken to the Paminal Bureau office in Propam for interrogation.

The crime scene investigation was completed at 19.40. The deceased's body was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital level 1 and arrived at around 20.20 WIB. The external inspection operation started at 22.30 WIB and continued with the internal examination which ended on Saturday, July 9, 2022 at around 02.00 WIB.

“Brother Reza, brother of Brigadier J, is waiting for the autopsy outside because according to the procedure, only investigators and forensic doctors can be inside. When it was put in the coffin, Brother Reza just saw Brother Joshua's body," he added.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in a Hearing Meeting with Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives regarding the murder case of Brigadier J. (Parliamentary TV)

9 July 2022

At around 11.00 WIB, South Jakarta Metro Police investigators came to the Paminal Bureau Office in Propam to make reports on the examination of the three witnesses. However, investigators received intervention from the personnel of the Paminal Bureau of the Propam Police. Investigators are only allowed to change the format of the minutes of interrogation conducted by the Bureau of Paminal Div Propam into the minutes of examination.

At around 13.00 WIB, investigators and witnesses were directed by Propam Div personnel to reconstruct the incident at the crime scene. After the reconstruction was completed, the witnesses went to the FS house in Saguling.

The personnel of the Paminal Bureau of the Police Propam Div at the same time combed the crime scene and ordered to replace the CCTV hard disc in the Duren Tiga Post, the CCTV hard disc was then secured by the Polri Propam Div personnel.

11 July 2022

There was information that there was a problem when delivering the body to the deceased's family which later went viral. The family was not allowed to see the condition of the body and refused to sign the handover report.

The funeral process was not carried out on an official basis because according to the Div Propam personnel who delivered the corpse, there were conditions that were not met, in this case a disgraceful act.

"In the evening, personnel from the Propam Div of the National Police, Brigadier General Hendra (Karopaminal) arrived. The family received a more detailed explanation so that the number of gunshots and shooting positions as well as the wounds on the bodies of the bodies, "he said.

The family did not believe that explanation. Several questions were asked regarding the existence of CCTV, the victim's cellphone, and other odd things that became viral in the public.

In Jakarta, Karopenmas held a press conference regarding the death of Brigadier J. Karopenmas seemed not to have mastered the material because he received incomplete materials and information that had been engineered by the Police Propam Div personnel. This resulted in the public asking more questions and news emerged regarding irregularities regarding the death of Brigadier J.

12 July 2022

The South Jakarta Metro Police Chief held a press conference related to a more complete case handling because the South Jakarta Metro Police immediately conducted the crime scene and examined 4 witnesses at the crime scene. However, what has been done has received intervention from the FS so that the process of investigating and processing the crime scene is unprofessional.

"One of the narratives conveyed by the Police Chief was related to the results of the autopsy while there were 7 incoming gunshot wounds, 6 exit gunshot wounds. This is a question, because what the Police Chief said was too quick to draw conclusions and then it was found that the Police Chief arrived late when he arrived at the scene,” said the National Police Chief.

Then, the National Police Chief formed a special team consisting of the Deputy Chief of Police, Irwasum, Kabareskrim, Kabaintelkam, As HR, and the Head of the Public Relations Division. Timsus reworked the crime scene because there were differences of opinion regarding the events that occurred. In the process there was intervention and incident regulation by several personnel of the National Police Propam Div against the Timsus personnel who carried out the crime scene.

18 July 2022

The team of attorneys for the family of Brigadier J made a police report regarding the alleged murder and/or premeditated murder and/or serious mistreatment of Brigadier J.

In order for the investigation process to run objectively, the National Police Chief deactivated Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as the Head of the Propam Division.

21-23 July 2022

The National Police Chief led the Anev together with the National Police team by inviting the relevant work units to find out the progress of the ongoing investigation. It turned out that there were obstacles to the investigation, pressure, intimidation or intervention by the personnel of the Propam Police Div.

"The CCTV that was lost at the security post, it turns out that the CCTV was taken by Propam Div personnel and Bareskrim personnel. It shows the role of each, who takes it, who implements it, who destroys it,” said the National Police Chief.

Former Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, who has been named a suspect in the murder case of Brigadier J. (Antara)

27 July 2022

Karopaminal Div Propam Polri Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan and South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi deactivated

August 3, 2022

Bharada E was named a suspect. The person concerned submits changes to the previous information. Bharada E saw Brigadier J lying covered in blood, FS stood in front holding a gun and the weapon was handed over to Bharada E.

“Why did RE's statement change, because at that time Brother Richard received a promise from Brother FS to help provide SP3 for the case that occurred. However, it turns out that in fact Richard remains a suspect on this basis, RE will provide honest and open information," explained the National Police Chief.

August 4, 2022.

Irsus recommends demotional job transfers against violators because they are suspected of hindering the investigation. A total of 10 personnel were transferred to Yanma Polri

August 6, 2022

FS still has not confessed his actions, still holding on to the initial statement. Finally, the Timsus decided to place FS specifically at the Brimob Police Headquarters.

August 7, 2022

Timsus named Brigadier RR and Kuwat as suspects.

August 9, 2022

Based on information from Bharada E, Brigadier RR, and Kuwat, the team finally decided that FS was a suspect.

Timsus also investigated 31 personnel for alleged violations of the police's professional code of ethics, related to vandalism, removing evidence, as well as obscuring and fabricating efforts to reveal the case of Brigadier J. 2 Brigadiers General, 2 Kombes, 3 AKBP, 2 Police Commissioner, and 1 AKP.

12 August 2022

Two police reports (LP) at the South Jakarta Police were stopped because there was no criminal element. LP number 368 2022 PKT South Jakarta Police dated July 8, 2022 by a member of the South Jakarta Metro Police model A related to the alleged assassination attempt on Mr. Richard Eliezer. The second LP LPB 1630 at Polres Metro South Jakarta on July 8, 2022, which was reported by Putri Candrawati in relation to allegations of harassment and threats of violence in Duren Tiga.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi, was also named a suspect in the murder case of Brigadier J. (Special)

August 19, 2022

The wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, is a suspect in the case of Brigadier J's murder. In addition to setting Putri as a suspect, a special police team also conducted special examinations on 83 members of the National Police. A total of 35 people of whom have received recommendations for special placements, but only 18 people who have been placed specifically.

22 August 2022

The team of forensic doctors has submitted the results of the exhumation which essentially contained no injuries other than gunshot wounds at the time of release. The National Police Chief also transferred 24 personnel to the Police Headquarters Service (Yanma) for allegedly violating the code of ethics in the investigation into the murder of Brigadier J.

“We are certainly committed to immediately be able to conduct a trial of this professional code of ethics within the next 30 days. This is also to provide legal certainty to the alleged violators," said the National Police Chief.

“This is definitely a bitter pill for us. However, we are committed that what happened is certainly a momentum for us to improve to continue to make improvements to the police institution so that this institution will be better in the future, able to provide better services to the community. This is our bet to protect the dignity of the Police," he said.

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