JAKARTA - Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Minister (P2MI) Abdul Kadir Karding held a meeting with the Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Komjen Martinus Hukom. The two discussed the lack of understanding of going to work legally abroad.
The meeting of the two state officials took place at the KemenP2MI office, Jakarta, Thursday, March 20.
"People who understand how to go procedurally are only 40 percent," said Karding
With this meeting, Karding hopes that the KemenP2MI and BNN, which have been working together since 2020, can carry out maximum supervision in certain areas.
"Maybe at certain posts we need to do (supervision) together," he said.
In addition, Komjen Martinus Hukom said that his party welcomed the Ministry of P2MI's plan to improve the governance of the placement of Indonesian migrant workers.
BNN will cooperate in the field of information to prevent crimes targeting prospective Indonesian migrant workers.
"Maybe through small units, we can do some kind of sharing of information, not just sharing," said Martinus
Because, continued Martinus, there are many potential crimes that may occur if prospective Indonesian migrant workers cross state borders illegally.
"Because of this, sir, there are many potential crimes that eventually cross the country's borders that occur everywhere and we know that passing, humans moving from one place to another there are three things that happen there, namely the movement of people, the movement of goods including money and the movement of ideas including the idea of crime," said Martinus.
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