
JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Maruli Simanjuntak ensures that the implementation of the TNI Manunggal Building Village (TMMD) program is always evaluated to support and realize equitable development, especially in improving community welfare.

"We will continue to evaluate this program so that it will get better in the future. For that, we express our gratitude or support for all stakeholders and community components in the implementation of this TMMD program," said TNI General Maruli Simanjuntak at the closing of the 123rd TMMD Kodim 1311/Morowali, in Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Thursday, March 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed that the 123rd TMMD program is a cross-sectoral program involving the TNI, Polri, Ministries/Institutions as well as all components of society which are held simultaneously in 50 districts/cities.

The 123rd TMMD program carries the theme With the spirit of TMMD realizing equitable development and national resilience in the region.

He explained that this theme reflects the spirit of real collaboration to accelerate development in areas that face limited access to infrastructure and public service facilities.

According to the Army Chief of Staff, this program will continue to be consistently implemented because it is more effective in its implementation.

He believes that if this program continues to be carried out in a sustainable manner, it can further accelerate the development of people's welfare so that people's lives are better in the future.

Meanwhile, he said, his party together with the local government also continued to synergize and discuss the implementation of this TMMD so that it could reach remote, isolated areas, even to areas.

Earlier there were also several local governments saying that it would improve TMMD and Karya Bakti as well as to improve development and community welfare in the regions," he said.

The TMMD program runs from February 19 to March 20 in Bente and Bahaka Villages, Central Bungku District with various targets, both physical and non-physical targets have been resolved.

The physical targets include the construction of 9.6 kilometers of road with a width of 2.4 meters, the construction of five drilling wells, the construction of six uninhabitable houses (RTLH) and the construction of concrete rebate roads.

Then the renovation of bridges, the construction of two classes of Islamic boarding schools, the planting of 10,000 trees, the food security program of 11 hectares, the construction of laying hens, and the construction of case washing facilities (MCK) and healthy kitchens.

And non-physical activities include health socialization, socialization of social security, agricultural counseling, KB counseling, socialization of national insight, drug counseling, cheap markets, social services, and blood donation.

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