JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf plans to issue a new Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) which will regulate beneficiaries of social assistance for a maximum of five years.
"I will also make the Minister of Social Affairs a maximum of five years to receive assistance," said the Minister of Social Affairs as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 19.
However, recipients of social assistance, such as the elderly and disabled, are excluded from the regulation.
The Minister of Social Affairs assessed that recipients of productive age social assistance should only be able to get a maximum of 5 years. From data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, it was revealed that Banten residents in decile 5 to 10 received social assistance. The recipients of social assistance should be the people who fall into the decile category 1 to 4.
Desil 1 to 4 merupakan kelompok masyarakat dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang paling rendah. Sementara, desil 5 sampai dengan 10 merupakan masyarakat menengah ke atas.
The Minister of Social Affairs explained that there were 4,386 residents in decile 10, who received basic food assistance. In addition, there are 197,517 PKH recipients (Family Hope Program) and basic necessities, as well as many productive people (15-50 years old) who also received this assistance.
Also 45,355 people who received PKH more than 10 years, even 13,133 of whom have received it since 2013.
"If the regulation applies, an evaluation will be carried out. After that, he will move to another program. Now second, if there is still a Desil 10, 9, we will correct it. After ground checking (testing) the National Sole Social Economic Data (DTSEN) is complete," said the Minister of Social Affairs.
He hopes that the local government can provide assistance to conduct a test of beneficiaries through DTSEN.
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