
YOGYAKARTA At the moment of Eid al-Fitr, many people share Lebaran hampers for teachers at school. Hampers are given as a form of appreciation and gratitude for the services provided while at school. For those of you who plan to do the same thing, it is advisable to pay attention to the contents of the Eid hampers for teachers.

The contents of the Eid hampers for teachers need to be adjusted according to their needs. In addition, it is recommended that the hampers meet the element of benefit.

There are many choices in the contents of the Lebaran hampers that are suitable for teachers. Here are some ideas for the Lebaran hppers k bettersus school teachers that can be given.

The contents of the split Hampers such as plates, bowls, cups, or spoons, are very suitable to be given to the teacher. These parcels are not only practical to make but also useful to the teacher. Try to choose a safe packaging considering the split is made of glass that is easily destroyed when hit.

Another option for the teacher is the contents of the pastries plus a split item. You can put a small bowl or small mug in the hampers. For the dry cake variant, you can adjust to your taste.

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Other Hampers that can be given to teachers contain basic necessities such as oil, camouflage, and so on. Add canned cakes so that the contents are more complete. That way the hampers will definitely be useful for the teacher.

You can also provide stamps that contain pastries for teachers. The number of pastries items can vary, depending on your choice. Try to give at least two variants of pastries in the stamps.

Hampers content of worship tools can be a new breakthrough that is unique and interesting. You can enter items of worship such as koko shirts, caps, and sarongs for male teachers, and mukena complete with prayer mats for female teachers. You can also combine both of them or adapt to your needs.

Before choosing the contents of the hampers for teachers, also consider the age. If you are over 50 years old, you can choose the contents of the supplement or other items related to health. Examples of the contents of health stamps for teachers are vitamins, honey, oat, and so on.

Want to give a book parcel? Why not? You can enter your teacher's novel or collection of favorite poetry. Choose something that will be published recently. You can buy a book for the contents of the hampers in an online store and then wrap it yourself at home. The book is the choice of Eid hampers in addition to an attractive pastries.

Those are some of the ideas in the contents of the Eid hampers for teachers. Visit to get other interesting information.

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