After the flood disaster that hit a number of areas in Jabodetabek, PT Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero) stated that it would take concrete steps as an effort to restore the environment in Puncak, Bogor, especially the Gunung Mas area.
President Director of PTPN III Mohammad Abdul Ghani revealed that the company will accelerate the massive reforestation program in the Gunung Mas area with a target of reforestation of 100,000 hectares in one year, and 1 million hectares in five years.
"We will immediately accelerate. In fact, we have asked the management of PTPN 1, especially regional 2, to immediately carry out massive reforestation," said Abdul Ghani as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 19.
Abdul Ghani explained that there were four main problems that caused flooding.
Okusipasi lahan PTPN di Gunung Mas yang telah menyebabkan terlebihannya batas maksimal koefficient wilayah terbangun (KWT) sebesar 6 pertama dari total area konsesi. Abdul Ghani menyebut PTPN akan melakukan penertiban dan pengembali fungsi lahan.
Of the total business use rights (HGU) for PTPN plantations in the Gunung Mas area of 1,623 hectares, about 500 hectares or 30.69 percent have been observed. The occultation consists of land planted with vegetables and occupancy for villa buildings.
Then, licensing by partners partially is also a crucial problem because it has not been integrated with the Gunung Mas area as a whole. PTP Nakan is more active in supervising and providing direction and warning to partners related to licensing.
The next problem is that a number of partners do not follow the provisions of the closing area required in the approval of the building (PBG) which has been approved by the Bogor Regency Office and Government. Abdul Ghani said partners who violated the rules would revoke their permits.
PTPN appointed independent consultants to verify and audit whether their partner partners comply with environmental provisions in running a business. Business places belonging to partners that are proven to violate will be dismantled.
"PTPN has issued a circular letter to temporarily stop activities, while waiting for verification from consultants," he said.
Abdul Ghani acknowledged that he had neglected his supervision and asked for the support of Commission VI to control and restore the environment in the Gunung Mas area.
"So with all costs we will improve the environment around Gunung Mas," he concluded.
Previously, the Coordinating Ministry for Food Affairs sealed tourist attractions in the Sentul and Gunung Mas areas which allegedly violated the spatial and watershed (DAS) permits, causing flooding in a number of areas in Jabodetabek earlier this March. The locations are Mount Geulis Country Club, Summarecon Bogor, and Bobocabin.
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