
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono visited Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, to ensure the smooth flow of the Nataru homecoming in the sea transportation sector on Sunday, December 29, 2024.

The visit of Coordinating Minister AHY was accompanied by the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Dudy Purwagandhi and the Deputy Minister of SOEs of the Republic of Indonesia Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

They were received directly by PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia or PT PELNI (Persero). Also present was PELNI President Director Tri Andayani and all ranks of the PELNI Board of Directors.

"We can both oversee the modernization and strengthening of the marine transportation sector," said Coordinating Minister AHY.

Furthermore, the Coordinating Minister AHY's entourage monitored the situation of the passenger ride and toured KM Labobar which was dispatched from Tanjung Priok Port on Sunday, December 29, evening.

For your information, KM Labobar is a passenger ship with a capacity of 3,000 seats. This ship has a Tanjung route. Priok - Surabaya - Makassar - BauBau -Namlea - Ambon - Banda - Tual - Dobo - Kaimana - FakFak - Sorong - Manokwari - Nabire PP.

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