
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) is digging up information regarding the incident of expelling Indonesian fishermen by the Singapore Police Coast Guard (SPCG) by meeting fishermen from Terong Island, District, Behindpadang, Batam City, Sunday.

Operational Service Manager Lt. Bakamla Ryan Widiono as the Indonesian Bakamla official who met the fishermen said the arrival of the Indonesian Bakamla Team was aimed at digging up direct information from fishermen who experienced the incident, as well as ensuring post-event conditions.

"This step was taken following the many reports received by the Bakamla RI contact center regarding the dangerous actions taken by the SPCG ship," he said, as quoted by Antara.

During the meeting, the Indonesian Bakamla Team met with fishermen accompanied by the Head of Fishermen on Terong Island, Jemisan.

Based on information from Jemisan, the Head of Fishermen on Terong Island, at the time of the incident, fishermen were fishing in areas that were claimed to still be Indonesian waters, precisely at coordinates N 01.11.880 E, 103.37,500.

According to Jemisan, the SPCG ship accused fishermen of crossing the water limit and then forcing fishermen to leave by maneuvering to create large waves.

The incident occurred on Tuesday (24/12). As a result of the SPCG ship's action, one of the fishermen was thrown into the sea due to the waves created by the Singapore ship's maneuvers.

The fisherman who fell into the sea named Mahade, was lucky to be rescued by other fishermen.

On this occasion, Jemisan expressed her hope that the government could provide socialization related to the boundaries of waters that are allowed to catch fish.

"If we do violate the limit, please be reprimanded in a good way, and not dangerous," hoped Jemisan.

Responding to this, Indonesian Leta Bakamla Lt. Bakamla Ryan Widiono said Bakamla was committed to providing counseling to fishermen regarding regional boundaries to prevent similar incidents for the convenience of sea users.

Separately, the Pranata of Youth Experts, Captain Bakamla Yuhanes Antara, added that after the meeting, Bakamla RI would conduct socialization to fishermen on Terong Island regarding boundaries that could fish.

"The next step for Bakamla RI will conduct socialization related to regional boundaries for fishermen," said Yuhanes.

Previously, information on the fishermen of Behindpadang who were fishing in the waters of Nipah Island received unpleasant treatment from the Singapore Maritime Police on Tuesday (24/12).

The news was widely spread through videos on social media. A Singapore Maritime Police patrol boat was seen intimidating fishermen who were fishing by making waves that made fishing boats sink. A fisherman was thrown into the sea due to a wave created by a Singapore patrol boat.

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