The South Sulawesi Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD Sulsel) noted that 10 areas in the area were affected by extreme weather, which caused flooding to landslides.
"Of the 10 locations, Barru Regency and Makassar City were recorded as the worst," said Head of Emergency and logistics BPBD Sulsel Amran Azis in Makassar, Saturday.
Based on BPBD data from South Sulawesi, the 10 regions are Gowa, Takalar Jeneponto, Maros, Pangkep, Barru, Soppeng, Sinjai, Makassar City, and Parepare.
He said the 10 regions had a larger water discharge due to rain that had flushed since last night until today. In fact, two areas that are classified as quite severe are in Barru Regency and Makassar City, causing the axis road cannot be passed by two and four-wheeled vehicles.
As an illustration, Barru Regency, the water discharge is very large, because it rains accompanied by rising tides from the sea, covering the road.
As a result, long queues were unavoidable and four-wheeled vehicles that could not penetrate the road were forced to stop completely, while waiting for the water to recede. This was stated by one of the drivers to Sidrap Regency, Dawiyah.
"I want to go home, but it is stuck in Barru Regency because the main road is like a river," he said.
Similar conditions occur in housing that is subject to flooding, such as at Perumnas Antang which causes residents to be forced to evacuate in nearby mosques and quite high areas.
Meanwhile, on the main road, Maros and Bone districts in the Tompo Ladang area, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, there was a landslide from the mountainous area, thus hampering traffic flow.
Not far from this location in the Camba area is also affected by hydrometeoroological disasters which make it difficult for two- and four-wheeled vehicles to penetrate the location because the water is already as high as its knees.
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