JAKARTA - A high school high school (SMAN) student in the Bulungan area, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta with the initials ABF, became a victim of abuse allegedly carried out by his seniors. Not accepting this, the victim's family made a report at the South Jakarta Metro Police.
Based on the information obtained, the abuse was allegedly carried out by a senior victim with the initials F, and a number of his colleagues from one school.
The persecution took place on November 28, 2024, then. The victim, grade 10 at the school, was called by his team-mate to come to the toilet on the second floor of the school.
According to a friend's invitation, suddenly the victim's hand was pulled by F in the second floor toilet. Not accepting the treatment, the victim and the perpetrator got into an argument in the toilet.
Until finally F, who was emotional, immediately hit the victim's body until he fell on the toilet floor. The victim then stood back up, but he was again attacked by F and his partner.
The victim's stomach and chest were hit and kicked by the perpetrators. Not only that, the victim's shoes and cellphone were also taken by the perpetrator.
Until finally the victim did not fight back, the perpetrator left the victim with bruises on his body.
Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi when confirmed confirmed the incident.
"That's right, we have received the report," said AKP Nurma Dewi, Wednesday, December 11.
The victim's family report was received with the number LP/B/3769/XII/2024/SPKT/Polres Metro South Jakarta/Polda Metro Jaya.
Nurma said that her party conducted an investigation related to the case. Witnesses were summoned and examined.
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