
JAKARTA - Thousands of residents under the toll road who have now been transferred to a simple rented flat (rusunawa) by the government will be given training so they can work.

Currently, the DKI Provincial Government is mapping the work area suitable for these residents. Head of the DKI Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertransgi) Hari Nugroho explained, some of which are food cooking training to making coffee.

"We are currently profiling each resident who has been relocated to the flats. After that, (determined) what education is suitable for them, later it will be prepared. For example, there is vocational system for boga, gratification system, barista tutoring, or so on," Hari told reporters, Saturday, December 7th.

The DKI Provincial Government, continued Hari, will also ask the transferred residents regarding their respective interest in their respective work fields. Currently, the technical implementation of the job training is still being formulated.

"Now, the mechanism or way of training will be, whether the car from the unit will come to the flat or what, it will be held together with the mayor and the Housing Service," said Hari.

The DKI Provincial Government noted that as many as 1,060 families (KK) live under the Jakarta toll road. Currently, at least 274 families have occupied flats spread across West Jakarta, North Jakarta, East Jakarta, and Central Jakarta. They are families with DKI Jakarta ID cards.

Meanwhile, families who do not have a DKI ID card are not relocated to the flats but are given a compensation fee of Rp. 1.5 million per family for two months. The DKI Provincial Government also facilitates families who want to return to their hometowns.

Residents who are transferred to the flats are exempt from free rental for the first six months. Furthermore, residents will be charged a tariff of IDR 550 thousand per month for their rental fee.

There are concerns that residents will return to the toll road after the flat installment period ends because they are unable to pay the rental. On that basis, the DKI Provincial Government will provide job training to residents who have been relocated to the flats.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government will also provide direct assistance such as free Transjakarta access, subsidized low-cost food acquired every month for those in need and registered in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS).

Dalam hal pemberdayaan kepada masyarakat di rusunawa, terdapat Instruksi Gubernur Nomor 131 Tahun 2016 Tentang Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Rusunawa, di mana terdapat penugasan kepada berbagai perangkat daerah untuk memberikan bantuan kemudahan kepada pengelola rumah susun dan juga para penghuninya.

"Hopefully the community will be able to develop themselves and have the ability and skills of entrepreneurs independently, so that they can further obtain jobs or create jobs for themselves at least," said Head of the DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Area Office, Kelik Indriyanto.

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