
JAKARTA - Candidate for Deputy Governor of Jakarta number 3, Rano Karno (Doel), responded to the wishes of the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair number 1 Ridwan Kamil-Suswono who wanted the Jakarta gubernatorial election to take place in two rounds.

Doel considered this a planful attitude. Because, from the beginning of the Jakarta Pilkada stage, the candidate pair promoted by KIM Plus continued to echo the one-round regional election.

"It's strange. At first they also wanted one round. We all also want one round. Yes, now suddenly we have one round, how come (the desire) they are so (changing)?" Doel told reporters, Saturday, December 7th.

The candidate pair Pramono Anung-Rano Karno claimed the victory of the Jakarta gubernatorial election one round with a vote of 50.07 percent and in accordance with the recapitulation at the district/city level. However, Doel admitted that he was still waiting for the final results of the provincial level recapitulation.

"Hopefully, if it is scheduled until the 9th. But I heard everything from the sub-district, everything has been completed. If it is faster, it is much better. But it means we are waiting for the official results from the KPUD," said Doel.

Therefore, the former Banten Governor invited all parties to follow the results of the tiered recapitulation which is being carried out by the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU).

"Just wait. So we don't have to fight, we don't have to make a fuss. We just follow the regulations. The important thing is, peace, calm, face competition, and that's it. That's all," said Doel.

Previously, the winning team for the Candidate for Governor and Deputy Governor, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono, stated that the 2024 Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) would take place in two rounds.

This refers to the internal data of coalition parties and supporting community organizations (ormas). At that time, the calculation with a total C1 ballot that entered reached 99 percent.

"We convey the results of the data input that we received stating that the 2024 simultaneous regional elections in DKI Jakarta will take place in two rounds," said Head of the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono Winning Team, Ahmad Riza Patria, Wednesday, November 27.

Based on internal data, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono received 40.17 percent of the votes or 1,748,714 million votes.

Then, Dharma Pongrekuen-Kun Wardana received 10.55 percent of the votes with 459.475,000 votes. Meanwhile, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno received 49.28 percent or 2,145,494 million votes.

"This is the result of the real count or actual calculation carried out by the data team in candidate pair number 1, namely Ridwan Kamil and Suswono," said Ariza.

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