
JAKARTA - Presidential candidate (candidate) number three, Ganjar Pranowo will start the campaign season in Papua. He will move separately with vice presidential candidate (cawapres) Mahfud MD.

It is known that the General Elections Commission (KPU) has scheduled the campaign to start on November 28, 2023 to January 10, 2024 or for 75 days.

"(My first campaign, ed) is in Papua, Mr. Mahfud in Aceh," Ganjar told reporters in Jakarta, Monday, November 27.

Ganjar did not specify the mechanism for its implementation later. However, he said it was moving from east to other directions.

"From east to west we move," he said.

Ganjar ensured that he would move by presenting a peaceful 2024 presidential election. Moreover, the signing of the declaration of peace elections has been held by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) today, Monday, November 27.

"Sudah membuat komitmen, tugas kita adalah melaksanakan tata dan komitmen yang sudah kita dikenandatangkan," ungkap eks Gubernur Jawa Tengah tersebut.

It is known that Eastern Indonesia is a vote niche that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) won in the 2019 presidential election. He and Ma'ruf Amin at that time excelled in a number of eastern Indonesia regions such as Bali, NTT, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, and West Papua.

At that time, this pair received multiple votes compared to the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno pair there. For example, in Papua, Jokowi, who stepped forward as the incumbent at that time, received 3,021,713 out of a total of 3,333,065 valid votes.

This figure is very far from Prabowo's achievement, which only received 311,352 votes. Meanwhile, in the 2014 presidential election, Jokowi, who was paired with Jusuf Kalla, received 2,026,735 votes in the same region.

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