
The Directorate of Narcotics Crime, Bareskrim Polri, has again raided nightclubs in the Senopati area, South Jakarta. This time, the W Home cafe which is the location and the results are 11 positive for narcotics.

"There are 11. There are 11. Varying, yes, some contain narcotics, some contain psychotropic substances, some contain benzo or hard drugs," said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Narcotics Directorate of Bareskrim Polri, Kombes Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak to reporters, Saturday, November 25.

In the raids that also involved the customs team, it was also found that at least dozens of bottles of liquor (alcohol) were suspected of being fake. Later, the rights will be explored further.

"There are 36 bottles of alcoholic beverages suspected of using fake excise stamps," he said.

With these findings, the police will summon the manager and owner of the cafe. The goal is to explore the circulation of narcotics.

"We will check, later we will make a call as well as the management. What we have taken is the management of the waiters and those at the TKP, we will make a call later," he said.

This raid was carried out as a follow-up to the KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge cafe raid on Saturday, November 18. Where, several ecstasy pills were found

"The results of the examination of witnesses and suspects, last week which we did the same thing at the place in Senopati as well, it was his statement that in this place (W Home) the suspects obtained narcotics and used them," said Calvjin.

Bareskrim Polri raided several cafes in the Senopati area, South Jakarta, Saturday, November 18. One of them is KLOUD Sky Dining & Lounge.

As for the results of the raid, evidence was found in the form of ecstasy drugs to happy five.

"One (nightclub) only has ecstasy. (Found) 6 ecstasy pills, happy five 2 pills, 28 bottles of alcohol suspected of violating the Customs Law," said the Director of Drug Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa.

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