TANGERANG Rijki Budiman, a social media influencer who was deceived in purchasing Coldplay concert tickets worth Rp553 million, explained that the 115 tickets he bought were used to give away (sharing) and some of his friends entrusted.
"This ticket is intended to distribute (give away) to colleagues. And there are also several tickets that are entrusted," Rijki told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Friday, November 24.
But who would have thought, Rijki was actually tricked by two people who have now been reported to the Tangerang, FM and AS Metro Police.
Rijki explained that the mode used by FM and AS was to admit that he had sold many tickets to officials to high-ranking police officers. The confession of the two perpetrators made Rijki put his trust. He finally poured hundreds of millions for 115 tickets.
He (the perpetrator) admitted that he had given tickets to several police officers and officials. That's quite convincing. And I've transferred. So what he said at that time, I just believed until day H didn't even exist," explained Rijki.
Therefore, Rijki asked the public to oversee this case to completion. Because, if you look at the number of victims, there are actually hundreds to thousands who in total reach billions of rupiah.
"I ask all Indonesian people to oversee this case so that it can be thoroughly removed," he concluded.
Rijki Budiman made a police report because he was deceived by the purchase of Coldplay concert tickets. The report is registered with number TBL/B/2642/XI/2023/SPKT/POLRES TANGERANG SELATAN/POLDA METRO JAYA, 20 November 2023.
The victim's attorney, Leon Maulana Mirza Pasha, said that there were two reported people, namely FM and AS. In fact, Leon suspects that the two perpetrators were affiliated with Ghisca Debora Aritonang (GDA), who was recently arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police.
"We suspect that the gang has been carefully planned, structured and well organized. Because it is suspected that FM and AS are a GDA gang," Mirza told reporters at the South Tangerang Police, Friday, November 24.
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