
ACEH - A total of 219 Rohingya immigrants who returned to land in Banda Aceh from Sabang were dispatched to Lhokseumawe. The Aceh Provincial Government finally decided to accommodate these refugees.

Ethnic Rohingya was taken to Banda Aceh from Sabang using a KMP BRR passenger ship. They arrived at the port of Ulele Banda Aceh on Wednesday afternoon. Two people, including women, were seen sick and needed oxygen supply immediately.

Most of the Rohingya refugees, mostly women and children, sit on the ship, where the passenger vehicles are. Beside them, a police line is also installed.

UNHCR Indonesia official Munawaratul Makhya said the refugees would soon be taken to a temporary shelter in Lhokseumawe, by bus.

"These immigrants will be accommodated at the former Lhokseumawe Immigration office. UNHCR will re-register these immigrants while in a shelter location later," said Munawaratul, Friday, November 24.

These refugees were detained at the port because there was no permit from the local government. Munawaratul said that his party had coordinated so that the 219 Rohingya could be accommodated immediately.

Previously, 219 Rohingya landed at Ujong Kareung, Suka Raya District, Sabang on Tuesday, November 22 at 23.00 WIB. This is the sixth ship to enter the coast of Aceh, after Sigli, Bireuen, and North Aceh

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