
The landslide disaster hit the Situ Hamlet area, Hau Agong Village, Pakkat District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency (Humbahas), North Sumatra on Tuesday.

As a result of the landslide, two people died and six people were injured by the building materials and buried by the soil.

The condition of the location after the landslide occurred. The pile of soil seemed to fill and close the road. There was also a large electric pole falling due to the landslide disaster.

Joint officers from the TNI-Polri together with the Regional Disaster Management Agency (PBPB) team and the Humbang Hasundutan Regency government went straight to the landslide location and evacuated the victims who were buried by landslide material.

Assisted by residents, the joint officers managed to save six people who had been buried in house materials and were immediately rushed to a nearby hospital.

Meanwhile, two other people were found dead who were also buried by landslides.

The death toll is known to be adult women, namely Masta Hutagalung and Poibe Tamba.

According to Deputy Regent Humbang Hasundutan Oloan Paniaran Nababan, the landslide occurred at around 06.30 WIB in the morning while some residents were sleeping.

Suddenly the land on the hill experienced a landslide and hit at least three houses in the area.

"What is clear is that at 06.30 WIB the landslide occurred and hit a resident's house. There were three houses that were hit by the landslide, but two houses were severe," said Oloan.

"Two people died, namely Boru Tamba and Boru Hutagalung. At 14.30 WIB this afternoon the bodies were found and evacuated using heavy equipment," he continued.

The six survivors have been rushed to the Dolok Sanggul Regional General Hospital for intensive medical treatment due to serious injuries to the head and body.

Meanwhile, Jalan Lintas Pakkat Parlilitan, Pakkat District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, which was initially covered by landslide material on Wednesday morning, can be passed by vehicles.

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