
JAKARTA - The organizers of the 2024 General Election will receive continued health protection to prevent the death of many polling groups (KPPS) in the 2019 Election.

The policy has been initiated and agreed by KSP, KPU, Bawaslu, Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS) through a joint circular signed in Jakarta on Monday, November 20.

"The goal is as a preventive effort so that friends who work as officers in the field understand very well what conditions are felt. If they are not healthy, there will be a follow-up examination and the problem will be resolved," said Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, quoted by Antara.

The health protection given to the 2024 General Election officers, according to him, was also the government's response to the evaluation of the 2019 Election when it was found that 894 officers had died and 5,175 officers were sick.

"There is a good feedback from the implementation of the last election. Many victims have various kinds of people responded to it. Some have achieved it, some think that this is the government's attempt to poison it, and so on. On that basis, now doing health screening for officers," said Moeldoko.

Emphasizing his support for the initiative, Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja appealed to election officials not to be afraid to undergo health screening, as part of efforts to protect them in carrying out their duties during the 2024 General Election.

"If there are health problems, of course there will be further processes, both for healing and therapy for these health problems," he said.

As the executor, BPJS Kesehatan has developed a health history screening system in the form of a form containing around 46 questions that must be filled out by participants, in this case the 2024 General Election officer.

"By the system, they will be notified of risks or not at risk. If it is risky, there is no need to worry because there is further treatment, so they can check further, then handled," said BPJS Kesehatan President Director Ali Ghufron.

The screening system with filling out the form is said to be cost-effective but very effective for the initial health checks of each election officer.

With this system, election officers who have not become BPJS Kesehatan participants are encouraged to become participants so that they can all be fully protected while on duty in organizing and supervising the 2024 General Election.

"If you haven't become an active participant, you will have to be active later," said Ali.

The activation of BPJS Kesehatan membership for election officials will depend on the status of the person concerned. If the election officer is not a worker or a wage recipient, the local government is obliged to pay BPJS Kesehatan contributions.

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