
AGAM - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has named three suspects for alleged corruption in the construction project of the Sajuta Janjang Tourism Object in Pakan Sinayan, Banuhampu District. The head of the Agam Prosecutor's Office, Burhan, said that the three were named suspects on Thursday. The three are the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) with the initials P, the Director of PT BJP with the initials MI and the executor of the initials B. "The three of them are serving a prison term for the prosecutor's office for the next 20 days starting from November 16 to December 6, 2023," he said in Lubuk Basung, Antara, Friday, November 17. The investigation into this alleged corruption case has actually been relatively long. From the results of the investigation, sufficient evidence has been obtained to determine the related party as a suspect. Previously, investigators had also examined 29 witnesses and asked for expert statements as well as case titles. His party also confiscated a number of evidences and construction project documents. "Based on the calculation of the BPK RI, the perpetrators caused state losses of Rp553 million," he said. He said the three suspects were subject to primary Article 2 paragraph 1 Subsidiary Article 3 junto Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 which was updated by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. There will likely be a determination of the status of the suspect to other names.
"We will determine everyone involved as a suspect. There is no crime without error, everyone can be punished if there is a mistake. Everything will be revealed in other examinations," he said.

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