Until now it is not known who the perpetrators of throwing stones caused 3 cars to damage, at the Kunciran KM23+200 Toll Road, Tangerang, last Sunday, November 12. To reveal this, Jasa Marga made a police report in East Ciputat.
Assistant Manager of Traffic for the JORR 2 Jasa Marga Toll Road, Edi Junaedi, confirmed that his party had made a police report.
"Yes, that's right (the report was made) on Monday (13 November)," said Edi in a short message, Thursday, November 16.
However, Edi did not explain why Jasa Marga made the police report, not the stone-throwing victim.
The victim named Nabila when contacted explained that Jasa Marga had already made a police report.
"Yesterday they asked permission, they made the report. The report is about throwing stones," said Nabila.
Jasa Marga said this: Both mothers, I have coordinated with the police, and an investigation will be carried out," he continued.
Contacted separately by the East Ciputat Police Chief, Kompol Agung said that his party is currently still being investigated.
"Later, yes. I'll check. I'm at the Resort Police, I'll tell you later at the Police," he concluded.
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