
The Bukittinggi District Attorney (Kejari) destroyed evidence (barbuk) of 61 criminal cases that had permanent legal force or inkrah throughout March-November 2023. "The case has been terminated, consisting of 44 narcotics cases and 17 general criminal cases, such as theft, persecution as well as the circulation of pharmaceutical preparations, drugs and cosmetics without a distribution permit," said Head of the Bukittinggi Kejari Fetrizal during the extermination event in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Thursday, November 16, confiscated by Antara. He said, for evidence, narcotics cases consisting of marijuana weighing 11,644.5 kilograms and shabu-shabu 816.9 grams. The destruction of marijuana evidence was carried out by burning, while methamphetamine was dissolved with a blender machine. Destruction of evidence was carried out by the Bukittinggi Kejari with representatives of the local government, Bukittinggi Police, District Court, Padang Food and Drug Supervisory Center (BPOM), Payakumbuh City National Narcotics Agency (BNN). "The destruction of evidence and confiscated goods today is a follow-up to the prosecutor's duties as executing the court's decision to execute evidence against cases that already have permanent legal force," he said.

He emphasized that the destruction of this evidence is a joint commitment in efforts to make the city of Bukittinggi free from narcotics trafficking and free from other crimes. In addition to avoiding the misuse of these evidences. Assistant 1 Bukittinggi City Isra Yonza appreciates law enforcement officers who have succeeded in carrying out law enforcement. "The implementation of this extermination is proof of this success. However, we are of course very concerned about this condition because most of the perpetrators are still dominated by the lower middle class," he said. The municipal government hopes that all parties can jointly carry out and maintain law enforcement in the city of Bukittinggi. "In the future, it can minimize the level of crime in Bukittinggi City and make Bukittinggi City a safe and peaceful city for the community," he concluded.

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