
SURABAYA - A jockey for the basic competency selection test (SKD) for prospective civil servants (CPNS) of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights was arrested by officers. The perpetrator with the initials IM is currently being secured at the Gunung Anyar Police Headquarters, Surabaya.

The perpetrator IM, who is still a student at one of the campuses in Jember, was arrested when he was about to replace AM, one of the participants of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights CPNS SKD from Jombang who registered as a prisoner guard.

IM was caught when he was about to enter the test location at the Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic Auditorium. However, the system provides a notification that biometric data does not match the original physicality concerned.

"The system shows a notification that the biometric data is'miss match' with the original physical concerned," said Head of the Regional Office of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Heni Yuwono, Thursday, November 16.

One of the striking differences is the photo on the Identity Card (KTP) and the test card showing a slightly fat physical feature. However, in reality, IM has a thinner posture. Based on this difference, the committee immediately secured it.

When interrogated, IM admitted that he would get a reward of around Rp. 25 million- Rp. 30 million from AM if he successfully graduated. However, IM stated that he did not know and had never met AM as his client. The intermediary is a friend who is also a CPNS test specialist.

"From the results of the investigation, we suspect that the perpetrator has networks, because he has many fellow jockeys," said Heni.

For further investigation, the committee handed over IM to the Gunung Anyar Police, Surabaya. Meanwhile, the SKD CPNS of the East Java Ministry of Law and Human Rights will end today.

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