
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) agrees to seal the workspace of Member IV of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Pius Lustrilanang. This effort was carried out in relation to the handling of alleged bribery which began with hand surgery (OTT) in Sorong Regency, Southwest Papua.

"That was true, we checked yesterday. That is in order to maintain the status quo so that the room remains sterile and later colleagues can follow the legal action taken by the KPK, either in the form of searches or if evidence is found related to criminal acts of corruption, of course confiscation will be carried out," said KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri quoted from the KPK RI YouTube show, Wednesday, November 15.

Pius, continued Firli, is also likely to be questioned regarding the alleged corruption. This is because the development of the case that ensnared the Acting Regent of Sorong, Yan Piet Mosso, could continue to be carried out by the KPK.

"Maybe you want to ask the next question, it could be development. However, I confirm that the sealing of the room is related to allegations of corruption in receiving gifts or promises made by BPK personnel who have been arrested and detained," he explained.

As previously reported, the KPK has named Acting Regent of Sorong Yan Piet Mosso along with five other people as suspects in alleged bribery for determining the findings of the BPK examination of Southwest Papua Province in Sorong Regency.

The other five suspects are the Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Sorong Regency, Efer Sigifat; BPKAD staff of Sorong Regency Maniel Syatfle; Head of BPK Representative for Southwest Papua Province Patrice Lumumba Sihombing; Head of Subaud BPK of Southwest Papua Province Abu Hanifa; and Head of the Audit Team David Patasaung.

In this case, the KPK received initial findings that Yan gave money to his subordinates to be handed over to the BPK of Southwest Papua Province amounting to Rp940 million. In addition, there is also the provision of a Rolex watch brand.

Meanwhile, Patrice, who is the Head of the Papua Province BPK Representative Office along with two of his subordinates, received Rp1.8 billion. The six suspects were entangled in the OTT conducted by the KPK on Sunday night, November 12 yesterday.

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