
SITUBONDO - Situbondo Class II B State Detention Center, East Java, transferred 17 inmates to detention centers and other prisons in East Java because of problems and bad behavior and indications of drug smuggling.

Head of Class II B Rutan Situbondo Rudi Kristiawan emphasized that the transfer of problematic prisoners and indicated smuggling of drugs was a form of early detection and anticipation of security and order at the local detention center.

"So before it happened, we had early detection, there were indications. Even though we were not caught red-handed or there was evidence, we threw away the inmates who were indicated to another place. Some time ago someone threw a package containing the pilkoploke in the detention center," said Rudi in Situbondo as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 14.

By moving prisoners who are indicated to smuggle illegal drugs, Rudi continued, it will be an example for other inmates not to do the same.

According to Rudi, when prisoners are transferred to other detention centers that are located further away, they will find it difficult to meet or be visited by their families.

"Of the 17 inmates who were transferred to other detention centers/prisons in East Java, they are inmates of drug cases, general crimes, traffic accidents, and others," he said.

If they are not dealt with firmly by moving prisoners indicated to smuggle illegal drugs, they could become a disease and influence other inmates.

The firm action against problematic prisoners is part of a way to maintain security and order at the Situbondo Detention Center.

"Therefore, we urge all levels of society or residents whose families become inmates to advise them," he said.

A total of 17 problematic prisoners were transferred to detention centers/prisons in Lumajang, Pasuruan, Sidoarjo, Tuban, and others.

"We have moved the problematic residents to other places, hopefully there will be a deterrent effect for them and become an example for other inmates," said Rudi.

According to the information gathered, the Situbondo Class II B detention center is currently inhabited by 383 inmates or male and female convicts.

Of the 383 people who were more than half of them were drug convicts, about 90 percent of whom were inmates from Situbondo.

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