JAKARTA - The vice presidential candidate (Readwapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka visited Pangkalpinang City to strengthen the Advanced Indonesia Coalition in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel).
"I am still enthusiastic, after making a visit to strengthen the coalition in Palembang, South Sumatra and Lampung yesterday," said Gibran Rakabuming in Pangkalpinang, Sunday afternoon.
He said that currently the attack on the Prabowo-Gibran pair was fast, such as slander, cynicism, negative news every time there was.
"I ask all volunteers in the Province of the Babel Islands not to respond, not to retaliate, clarify. Let's just ignore it," Gibran said in front of thousands of coalitions and volunteers from Advanced Indonesia, as quoted by Antara.
He said the volunteers in Serupun Country had certainly read in the mass media about the survey results, there was a high survey, it was above 40 percent and some were bad.
"If the survey is bad, of course we have to work again and if the survey is good, we have to keep working hard so that we can get one round," he said.
He invited all coalitions and volunteers to focus on winning, focus on consolidation, go down to residents and focus on helping the community only.
"We focus on helping residents door to door is better, because if we are busy with counterproductive activities, we will even investigate our surveys," he said.
He was very impressed by the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the Indonesian Forward Coalition volunteers in the Province of the Babylon Islands.
"Continue to be enthusiastic, maintain the cohesiveness of volunteers in the extraordinary Babylon Islands," said Gibran.
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