
BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Press Organization criticized the actions of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri's bodyguard who was suspected of intimidating two television journalists in Aceh during coverage.

"We strongly condemn the acts of intimidation by Firli's bodyguards against journalists who are carrying out their duties, especially in public spaces," said Banda Aceh's Chairman of the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Juliaman, in Banda Aceh as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 10.

The statement of the attitude of the press organization was shared by the Chairmen of AJI Banda Aceh, the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) and the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) at the AJI Banda Aceh office.

Previously, two Acehnese journalists were allegedly intimidated by the bodyguard of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri while covering Firli's meeting with the Indonesian Cyber Media Network (JMSI) Aceh at the Joint Secretariat (Sekber) stall of Aceh journalists, Thursday (9/11) night.

Both are the Umar King of Kompas TV and journalists, and the Puja TV (local TV Aceh) reporter Lala Nurmala. At that time, Firli and JMSI were having coffee and eating durian at the journalists' Secretary.

"The intimidation was carried out by a person who claimed to be a police officer wearing free clothes, and at that time escorted Firli's activities in Aceh. Namely in the form of forcing the removal of photos and videos that have been taken by these two journalists," said Juliamin.

Meanwhile, Chairman of IJTI Aceh Munir Noer stated that the forced elimination of photos and videos was one of the efforts to prevent journalistic work as regulated in Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press in Article 18 paragraph 1.

"The police should understand and appreciate journalistic work which is a manifestation of the fulfillment of the people's right to obtain information. But this is an effort to prevent it," said Munir.

PWI Aceh chairman Nasir Nurdin said this incident again reminded that there are still many police officers who do not understand the work of journalism in the field.

Moreover, the journalist has also carried out work according to the journalistic code of ethics. They use the IDcard media and have also introduced themselves before coverage.

"There should be no prohibition for journalists to do coverage, especially in public places, and this incident also occurred at the headquarters of journalists (Sekber)," said Nasir.

Therefore, Nasir continued, the press organization in Aceh strongly criticized and asked the National Police Headquarters and the Aceh Police to investigate allegations of intimidation against the journalist.

"We ask that this case be investigated, because no one has the right to prohibit journalists from reporting in public places," said Nasir Nurdin.

Meanwhile, JMSI Aceh stated that the Chairperson of the KPK had coffee and ate durian with his party was an organizational agenda, not in the context of providing press statements or other things.

Regarding the coffee shop place being a gathering place for journalists, several journalists who knew Firli Bahuri was having coffee and eating durian at Warkop Sekber immediately went to the secreter warkop to interview Firli Bahuri.

Regarding the news of intimidation from Firli's bodyguards to Kompas TV journalists, they denied it.

"We can say that this is not true, and it is outside the context of JMSI Aceh as a committee," said Chairman of JMSI Aceh Hendro Saky.

Regarding misunderstandings in the field with Firli Bahuri's escort, Hendro continued, it was not at all Firli Bahuri's will or order, but only the dynamics and technicalities of journalists covering the news, not something intentional.

"We regret the negative framing related to the news of the JMSI Aceh coffee and the Chairman of the KPK RI Firli Bahuri. Moreover, those who attended and had coffee with Firli were also journalists who were members of JMSI Aceh," said Hendro Saky.

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