
SURABAYA - Sidoarjo Police are still investigating a student from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) with the initials CA, 21, who was found dead in a car in the Tambak Oso Apartment area, Waru, Sidoarjo. Most recently, the police found out that CA got a helium gas cylinder, bought it in the marketplace.

"It turns out that CA got a helium gas cylinder and a clear white tube, through the marketplace account owned by the victim himself," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sidoarjo Police, AKP Tiksanarto Andaru, Wednesday, November 8.

Based on police searches, Andaru continued, CA victims bought helium gas cylinders on November 1, 2023. Then the helium cylinders arrived at the apartment and were received directly by CA on November 3, 2023.

"The data we got, the victim ordered it himself by checking the sellers, and asking directly whether this item was still there or not. After knowing it was there, the victim immediately bought it," he said.

As previously reported, a student at Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya, with the initials CA, was found dead in a Honda Jazz with the number AG 1484 BY, which was parked in the apartment yard in the Waru area, Sidoarjo, Sunday, November 5.

The victim was found dead in a head position wrapped in crackle, and near the body a helium gas cylinder and a clear hose were found. Until now, the student's death is still in the process of being investigated.

The police are also checking CCTV before the victim is found dead. CCTV footage includes CCTV installed at the Praxis Apartment on Kayoon Street, Genteng, Surabaya City.

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