
JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian revealed four indicators of the success of the 2024 Simultaneous Election.

The first indicator is that the election is safe and smooth in accordance with applicable regulations. Second, the high participation of voters because it will provide strong legitimacy to selected candidates.

"The lower participation, the legitimacy will not be strong, the elected is not a strong leader and it is prone to political instability," Tito said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.

The third indicator, he continued, did not experience any conflict that could damage the unity and integrity of the nation. This is mainly a conflict that leads to acts of violence.

"Conflict is very likely, what needs to be done is how to manage the potential of the conflict not to break down into a devastating conflict," he said.

Then the fourth indicator is to ensure that the wheels of government both at the central and regional levels continue to run smoothly, especially in providing public services. One of the tasks of the Minister of Home Affairs is to oversee the performance of the appointed regional head (Pj.) to ensure that government administration continues to run well.

"So the indicator of the success of the election is that he does not stagnate the government, but it continues, and that is my duty, including the Minister of Home Affairs controlling the Acting. (regional heads) and others," explained Tito.

To achieve this indicator of success, he asked election organizers, namely the General Election Commission (KPU) and the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) to be neutral and immediately make a good planning program.

According to him, this support is needed, especially since the 2024 election is a new history for the Indonesian democratic system because the first time the central and regional elections took place simultaneously.

"The first time in the history of our nation, it has been carried out simultaneously, so far we have not, have not experienced central and regional crowds and have never experienced regions all carrying out regional elections," concluded Tito.

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