
JAKARTA - Head of the Ganjar-Mahfud MD National Winning Team (TPN), Arsjad Rasjid, said the public could give an assessment of Anwar Usman's attitude after being removed as Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) but did not want to back down.

This was conveyed by Arsjad in response to the attitude of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka who refused to resign from the Constitutional Court. Anwar Usman chose to remain a judge even though he was found guilty of violating ethics related to the decision on the term limit for the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

"Let the people judge (the attitude, ed)," said Arsjad at a press conference at the High End Building, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 8.

Arsjad said the Indonesian people could see and could not be fooled. So, he invites the people to see the current democratic process.

"I think it's part of our democratic process. Rights must exist, but the people understand, the people see and the people hear," he said.

As previously reported, Anwar Usman stated that he would not resign from the Constitutional Court even though he was dismissed as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court by the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK).

Anwar emphasized that he would not resign because he felt that his removal was initiated by slander that he was involved in a conflict of interest in the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the age limit of the presidential and vice-presidential candidates. The Constitutional Court's decision allows regional heads not yet 40 years old to run for the presidential election.

"Currently, my dignity as a career judge for almost 40 years is formulated by heinous slander. But I have never been discouraged and never resigned, in upholding the law and justice in my beloved country," said Anwar at a press conference at the Constitutional Court building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, November 8.

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