Circulating Since 2018, New American Illegal Suppleman Sales Have Been Revealed
Evidence of illegal supplements from America/ Photo: IST


TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Food and Drug Control Center (POM) confiscated 9,598 packages of illegal supplements from the United States.

Head of the Tangerang Regency POM Loka Sony said the confiscation of 9,598 illegal medicinal and food products consisted of 325 items with products of Suplemen, Cosmetics, and traditional medicines.

On average, the medicinal products made by the withdrawal are known to be ineligible for safety and distribution permits.

It is known, this statement is the result of a joint operation between the Directorate of Cyber and Intelligence of BPOM.

A total of 9,598 pcs of goods consists of 325 items of illegal drugs with a value of more than IDR 1 billion. The majority of these types of drugs are imported from the United States," Sont said in his statement, Tuesday, November 7.

Sony explained that illegal drugs were circulated and sold by the perpetrators to consumers, namely through online or online platforms.

"If the activities have been carried out since 2018. And until finally it was discovered by BPOM this year," he said.

Based on the results of the confiscation, the BPOM investigating team coordinated with law enforcement officials to follow up in accordance with applicable regulations and after that the drug evidence without a distribution permit was submitted as evidence.

In addition, his party will carry out identification related to the circulation of illegal goods in the area.

"It is still under investigation by the team, but for the status of the case we have transferred it to the Prosecutor's Office," he concluded.

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