JAKARTA - One family was found dead from a fire when a fire broke out on Jalan Cibanteng, Rawa Badak Utara, North Jakarta on Friday night, November 3. Didik (40) who was the head of the family was found dead with his wife and two children.
Angga, one of the victim's friends, said that before Didik died he had time to chat together at the onlie (ojol) motorcycle taxi base.
"We heard that this was no longer surprising, before the incident he was still chatting with. After sunset he was still chatting. Incidentally he asked to go home, finally we all went home," said Angga, the victim's friend, Monday, November 6.
Angga said, the victim works as an ojol driver as a role model and is good for local residents.
"He is a role model. We can't forget, the person is already good. He is a role model," he said.
When the fire occurred, Angga was still at the online motorcycle taxi base. Shortly thereafter he learned that a fire had hit Didik's house.
"Teman-teman sempat kontak dia (didik) tapi nomornya sudah tidak aktif," katanya.
However, after being checked by another friend, it was found that Didik's house was really on fire.
"Last Friday night he and his wife and children died in a fire. Whereas (before the incident) previously had contact (with the victim)," he said.
North Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Gidion Arif Setyawan checked the location of the fire refugees which resulted in four fatalities on Jalan Cibanteng, North Rawa Badak, Koja.
"In one alley there was a fire, about five houses were affected and there were victims. Currently, one person is still being searched, three of them have been found dead in one house," said Gidion, Saturday, November 4.
Gidion said the death toll consisted of two adults and one toddler. Meanwhile, the total number of residents affected by the incident was around 30 people.
The victim was immediately taken by car to the hospital for identification. Meanwhile, 27 more people are directed to rest in Madrasah Al-Bayyinah which is not far from the location of the fire.
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