JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) said that the artist Celine Evangelista has a close family relationship with Sruningwati Burhanuddin, the wife of the Attorney General, ST Burhanuddin.
The statement was in response to the statement of the defendant in the PT Antam corruption case, Amalia Sabara, who said Celine called the Attorney General as 'Papa'.
"That it is true that Celine Evangelista artist has a family relationship with the family of the wife of the Attorney General, namely Sruningwati Burhanuddin and her daughter," said Head of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana in a statement, Friday, November 3.
Celine's closeness with the Attorney General's family is also because she is often involved as a host in the activities of the Attorney General's Office.
With this closeness, the Attorney General is said to have considered Celine as his own daughter.
"On several occasions Celine Evangelista often gets an invitation to fill a family event at the Attorney General's official residence. Therefore, Mrs. Sruningwati Burhanuddin has considered Celine Evangelista as a child because she has a close relationship with her daughter," said Sumedana.
On the other hand, Sumedana emphasized that defendant Amelia only took advantage of Celine's closeness with the Attorney General's family. The goal is to resolve cases of alleged corruption.
Then, Amelia sold the name of the Attorney General to get a PRIVATE profit of Rp. 6 billion.
"The defendant Amelia did not know and had never met the Attorney General ST Burhanuddin. She only took advantage of her closeness to the artist Celine Evangelista, who seemed to be able to take care of any case at the Prosecutor's Office," said Ketut.
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