Central Jakarta City Government Will Check Alcohol Store Permits In Genjing Park Even Though They Have OSS
Cleaners found bottles of liquor in the Green Open Space (RTH) of Genjing Market, Central Jakarta/ Photo: IST


JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta City Government (Jakpus) claimed to have held meetings with several Regional Work Units (UKPD) regarding reports of a group of people having a liquor party (alcohol) in Taman Genjing, Pramuka, Cempaka Putih.

The City Government has also asked the relevant UKPD to check the validity of the alcohol sales license. Although the liquor store owns the Online Single Submissionon (OSS) program formed by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Assistant to the Government (Aspem) of the Central Jakarta City Government, Denny Ramdany, said his party would take firm action against a liquor seller shop near Pramuka Market Park, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

"Even if the shop has a permit, we will take firm action if it does cause unrest. Moreover, there are findings of bottles of alcohol in the Scout Park (staman genjing)," said Denny Ramdany to reporters, Thursday, November 2.

Denny said he had asked the UKPD to check the license to sell alcohol.

"Indeed, there is a permit, but I ask that it be checked again for the validity of the permit," he said.

Denny Ramdany said that liquor stores near Taman Genjing, Pramuka, Cempaka Putih do have a permit from the Online Single Submissionon program formed by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

Even though there is a permit, we can still act on the shop if it is proven to cause unrest.

"We are still investigating who drank alcohol and left a bottle in the park. We are also still investigating, especially since the bottles of alcohol came from the shop. We have also asked the One Stop Integrated Service (PTSP) to re-check the permits," he said.

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