
JAKARTA - Psychologist and psychologist from Bhayangkara University Hanna Rahmi tries to analyze the meaning of the hug and cry of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono in Ganjar Pranowo's arms.

Previously, Ganjar uploaded a meeting with Basuki on his personal X account, last weekend. During the meeting, Ganjar admitted that Basuki was tightly hugged. He also saw Basuki shedding tears.

"One thing related to tears, people can also shed tears in response to social situations or experiences of empathy with other people who are experiencing difficulties or suffering. This is a way for the body to show sympathy and empathy for the feelings of others," Hanna said in a written statement, Thursday, October 31.

According to Hanna, from this incident is a natural response issued by the Minister of PUPR and is not a weakness in humans

"Any strong person will be able to cry for the underlying reasons. Here what needs to be emphasized, crying is not a weakness, but is a natural emotional response, meaning that Mr. Bas is a sensitive individual and has high empathy because individuals who are more empathic may tend to respond with tears when they see or feel someone's feelings whether they are happy or suffering," he explained.

When connected with the latest political conditions that are heating up regarding the government and President Jokowi, Hanna Rahmi said this was Basuki Hadimuldjono's way of processing internal conflicts that occurred in his environment.

Sometimes, crying is a way to process internal conflicts, reflect on important decisions, or reflect on changes that need to be made in a person's life. Strong people like Mr. Bas can also feel disappointed, angry, or frustrated with certain situations or events in his life. " Hanna explained.

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