
JAKARTA - The head of the Ganjar-Mahfud MD National Winning Team (TPN), Arsjad Rasjid, denied that the Young Winning Team (TPM) was formed because the Mayor of Solo who is also the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Gibran Rakabuming Raka ran as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres). The formation of this team aims to attract youth.

"We have thought about this TPM at the beginning. Why? We have to make sure that 60 percent of this demographic bonus is the younger generation," Arsjad told reporters at the High End building, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 1.

Arsjad said this team will be led by Dharmaju Suradika. He is a businessman, consultant, and activist.

"The Young Winning Team is filled with young people who are slick but have the integrity and vision of Indonesia Superior in the 2045 demographic bonus which supports Pak Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD as leaders," he said.

As for this team, it has a tagline, 'good people must be DiGanjar, so choose a leader who Mahfud makes sense'. Arsjad said this team must move based on three values, namely inclusive, intelligent, and experienced.

In addition, this team is also expected to allow young people to merge into society. "Don't just be told to study and feel smart on campus, but also need to go down and merge into society," he said.

"These young people have hope, not only for the current generation, but for the next generation," concluded Arsjad.

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