
YOGYAKARTA Reynaldi Istanto's profile is interesting to discuss especially after he was appointed by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir as Director of Institutional Relations of PT Industri Battery Indonesia (IBC).

PT IBC itself is a state-owned company engaged in the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and Electric Vehicle (EV) ecosystems.

The appointment of Reynaldi by Minister Erick himself attracted attention because Reynaldi was still quite young. Reynaldi himself has a educational background majoring in Political Sciences who studied at Brawijaya University from 2014-2018. In addition, from 2020-2021 he had studied at the University of Antwerp, Belgium with the Advanced Master of Globalization and Development program.

Before being appointed as Director of Institutional Relations of PT IBC, Reynaldi was the Expert Staff of the Minister of SOEs. During his career in BUMN, he was tasked with leading the Global Value Chains Working Unit and the Global Relations and Investment Team.

In BUMN, he succeeded in producing large initiatives such as PMO BUMN Support for the G20, organizing the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum, and PMO BUMN Support for the ASEAN Summit. This success cannot be separated from the figure of Reynaldi.

Reynaldi has also been Secretary General of the FIFA U-17 World Cup Indonesia. In 2018, Reynaldi was also a figure who helped the success of the 2018 Asian Games as Account Manager at the Communication Department.

The appointment of Reynaldi Istanto as Director of Institutional Relations of PT IBC was carried out based on a letter from the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises with No. SR-452/MBU/08/2023 dated August 30, 2023 regarding the Proposal to Change the Board of Directors of the Company and Circular Decree of Shareholders in Lieu of the General Meeting of Shareholders of PT Industri Battery Indonesia on September 19, 2023.

This appointment was also carried out as a form of the company's commitment to building closer relationships.

"But it is more about the company's commitment to building closer relationships with stakeholders and strengthening the foundations of the battery industry in the country," said IBC Corporate Secretary Muhammad Sabak in an official statement, Wednesday, November 1.

Sabik explained that the change in the composition of the Board of Directors of PT IBC is a positive step to answer PT IBC's challenges in the future. In addition, it also takes into account the needs of the company's organization and long-term interests.

"The addition of positions to the board of directors allows PT Industri Battery Indonesia to maximize relations between shareholders and stakeholders of PT Industri Battery Indonesia and strengthen the position of PT Industri Battery Indonesia in facing the challenges of the battery industry and the current and future battery-based electric motor vehicle ecosystem," he explained.

That's information on Reynaldi Istanto's profile. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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